Explainable AI. Actionable Insights.

An AI-powered analytics and applications platform that drives
trustworthy optimized decisions

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Powered by Explainable AI

Make AI-powered data exploration and visualization safely accessible to enterprise business users.

The Virtualitics AI Platform

Go from data to decisions using AI-powered Apps built with explainability, interaction, and AI-generated visualization at their core.

  • Go beyond dashboards. Engage with your data through interactive experiences that drive deeper understanding of AI-powered recommendations.
  • Turn analysis into action. Unlock decision-making and take business action supported by AI-powered Apps tailored to your needs.
  • Tell your data story. Answer complex business questions and bolster recommendation trust with AI-guided analysis using Virtualitics Explore.

AI-Guided Analysis

Discover insights that enable business improvements by using intuitive, no-code AI routines that accelerate data exploration and create powerful 3D visualizations.

  • Get started quickly. Use Smart Mapping to easily generate initial AI-generated insights and a visualization to go along with it.
  • Dig deep into data. Identify trends, discover outliers, characterize segments, and more using our AI-powered analytics routines, like Explainable AI and Network Extractor.
  • Look from every angle. Use a wide range of plot types, including 2D and 3D Maps, Network Graphs, and Scatter Plots, to help understand the insights in your data.

Virtualitics Developer Experience

The Virtualitics SDK and API enable any data scientist or developer to create interactive AI-powered Apps using Python (no frontend experience required).

  • AI for Decision Making. Drop your custom AI models into the platform to get interactive explanations of your predictions and scenario planning tools to support decision makers.
  • Take action with applications. Streamline action from your AI-powered Apps with ease using Custom Events.
  • Enterprise-grade AI you can trust. Platform-wide governance and security features mean your custom AI-powered Apps get a reliable enterprise readiness baseline.

Creating measurable results with AI Applications

Awards & Recognition


Enabling Deployed AI at Scale

Virtualitics AI platform deploys advanced analytics at scale with a strategic, enterprise-wide approach that powers repeatable, confident decisions quickly and drives real business impact.

Fuse & Extract

Extract usable insight from large and complex datasets from anywhere in a fraction of the time with customized, automated ETL & NPL


Explore multidimensional visualizations created and explained by AI to show you the opportunities within your data and help focus your efforts


Model and validate your AI models, and get a clear view of your predictions with an explainable AI experience that facilitates collaboration across personas


Provide prescriptions and all the necessary context to understand the ‘why,’ including scenario modeling to factor in the ‘what if’ of decisions.

Deployable AI

Streamline creation and deployment or AI-powered web applications and put actionable AI into the hands of people across the enterprise

Virtualitics AI platform in action

"Virtualitics created some predictive [covid] models… we started tracking their predictions and then we went back and tracked how accurate they were …It was incredibly accurate, certainly more than accurate enough for us to make very timely decisions."

General Timothy Ray

Commander, Air Force Global Strike Command

"The ability to detect the functional proteome and genetic drivers of these proteins from each single cell will allow deeper precision into connecting the mechanisms and outcomes of therapies and disease. We believe this connection is key to accelerating the discovery of advanced medicines."

Sean Mackay

CEO and Co-Founder of Isoplexis

"Virtualitics has not only helped us to save time but has allowed us to seamlessly identify critical business insights that have generated tangible book-value for our supply chain customers."

Dr. Alban Quillaud

VP Digital Innovation & Analytics at Kuehne + Nagel

"Virtualitics can help domain experts easily perform and share the results of sophisticated data analysis at a level usually reserved for data scientists.”

Professor Jim Heath

President of the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB)

Introducing the Virtualitics AI Platform

Virtualitics streamlines analysis with Intelligent Exploration: AI and machine learning that automatically discovers and highlights meaning in your data.
