IRO Cognition
Discover essential insights and enhance mission readiness.
IRO Cognition Shows:
What is about to fail?
Track and flag readiness indicators through natural language processing.
How should you respond?
Proactively mitigate degraders and preserve the mission.
What if?
What are the impacts to mission success if we don’t take action?

Maximize Your Operational Potential
IRO Cognition reveals the information and actions that increase mission readiness.
AI-Driven Topic Modeling
Distill corpuses of mission-relevant narrative text into simple, interpretable topics using AI.
Robust Data Pipeline
Run repeatable analytic workflows, including NLP routines, against data extracted from systems of record.
Automated Identify Degraders
Identify factors that degrade readiness across various levels of the workforce, enabling leaders to proactively improve readiness posture.
Comprehensive View of Risk
View readiness risk across multiple dimensions, including levels of commands, missions, functions, and capabilities.
Discover Insights and Enhance Mission Readiness with AI
- Identify Degraders to Mission Readiness
- Execute Repeatable AI Workflows
- Capture Overall Unit Readiness
- Identify, Quantify, and Forecast Risk
- Provide Data-Driven Clarity in Forecast Assessment, Programming, and Budget